This website used to be for pregnant and new mamas who love to hike. Now its just a good place to post information about hikes I am going to do for those who want to join me.

Friday, January 06, 2006

A Reason to Hike

Here's a cute story (see Animal Sighting #5) about a pregnant hiker. This reminds me of two stories: 1. When I was in Hawaii in November, I saw a guy driving his car with a parrot on his shoulder. 2. A few years ago, Hubs and I were hiking with the late great Flynn when we came around a bend in the trail where a man was squatting on the ground giving his two Jack Russell terriers some water. He was wearing no shirt, but whatever. We passed him but Flynn had to sniff some (dog) butt, so I turned around to call her, and la voila! the dude was totally naked except for hiking boots and, yes, a fanny pack. Gag me with a Smurf. I sort of freaked. Not out loud but I just started walking fast and my heart started racing. Hiking: Good. Nudist hikers: Not good. Sorry, it's just a position I have to take.


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