This website used to be for pregnant and new mamas who love to hike. Now its just a good place to post information about hikes I am going to do for those who want to join me.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

First Links!

Thanks to Tom Mangen at Two Heel Drive for giving me my first link. I appreciate his "niche of a niche of a niche"; if he knows pregnant women, and especially Bay Area pregnant and new mamas, he knows we loves to talk about, process and read about our pregnancies. Invent anything, slap "pregnant" across the front of it, and we snap that s**t up. At least on-line, my friends and family can choose whether they want the details, instead of living in fear that I will ambush them with too much information at any second.


Blogger tom said...

Andrea: I mentioned your blog to my wife and she said she's always heard that if you're pregnant, it's OK to continue physical activities you're already doing, but not advisable to take on some new activity your body isn't accustomed to.

Might be nice to have a bullet list of health issues moms-to-be should consider before they go hiking. Once you post that item, you could create a permenent link to it on your side rail.

7:31 AM

Blogger Andrea said...

I definitely intend to do just such a post, since I think its a critical consideration. Two problems: (1) I can't find any information on hiking and pregnancy and (2) I haven't been able to get in to see my doctor yet and ask her. I actually think once I get my own healthcare lined up, I may make an appointment with the prenatal fitness person at Kaiser and interview her for the blog.

1:51 PM

Blogger tom said...

I googled "hiking pregnancy" and found this article:

1:57 PM


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