This website used to be for pregnant and new mamas who love to hike. Now its just a good place to post information about hikes I am going to do for those who want to join me.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

First Links!

Thanks to Tom Mangen at Two Heel Drive for giving me my first link. I appreciate his "niche of a niche of a niche"; if he knows pregnant women, and especially Bay Area pregnant and new mamas, he knows we loves to talk about, process and read about our pregnancies. Invent anything, slap "pregnant" across the front of it, and we snap that s**t up. At least on-line, my friends and family can choose whether they want the details, instead of living in fear that I will ambush them with too much information at any second.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Week 8 - Hike 4: Stream Trail-French Trail

On Sunday morning, we (me, hubs, kid) set out with my sister and aunt to do a short hike in Redwood. I was hoping for a quick in-and-out, as was my sister (as I later surmised). Instead, we hiked along the Stream Trail til it dead-ends at a storm fence*, and then took the sharp left up the French Trail.

The French Trail is just lovely, but its pretty steep at the beginning. I was sort of winded. My aunt was off and flying though (she is a 4-run per week, pilates, tennis kind of gal), and my husband didn't really even seem to struggle with a 30-pound wiggling pack on his back. My sister, who doesn't hike, was also winded. So I rate this trail as strenuous for the pregnant, not so much for the non-pregnant, unless they are not in great shape.

Once the trail (sort 0f) evens out, its very beautiful and very quiet. You are halfway up a steep hill, surrounded by redwoods and bay trees. The smell is very soothing. The trail is more narrow than the Stream Trail, so if you have balance problems, you need to stay more aware. It isn't treachorous though. There are a couple of patches of downhill that can get steep, but using good judgment, and a hand on the shoulder of your companion and you will hardly notice.

We dropped back down to the Stream Trail by taking the Fern Trail back out of the trees. The French Trail/Fern Trail takes you about halfway back (maybe more) along the Stream Trail, and then you can hike back to a nice playground/picnic area.

The Stream Trail has lots of running water toilets but there are no facilities on the French Trail. Dogs are allowed on leash on the Stream Trail, but off leash up the hill.

* The Stream Trail does not actually end here, it just gets cut off where the trail washed away a long time ago. I wrote about the other end of the Stream Trail last week. To get from one to another, you need to cross a small bridge, which we didn't do.